Step into the compelling history of Vilnius beyond the formidable walls of Lukiškės Prison, a chilling testament to the city’s rich past. Once a somber confinement facility for over a century, this site has undergone a remarkable transformation into a vibrant cultural hub known as Lukiškės Prison 2.0. Whether you’re intrigued by history, a Stranger Things fan, or simply seeking a unique experience, this is a must-visit for first-time travelers to Vilnius!

From Oppression to Expression:

For 115 years, Lukiškės Prison echoed with the stories of political prisoners, criminals, and exiles. Today, its imposing walls resonate with music, creativity, and innovative energy. Over 250 artists, musicians, and creators call this complex home, breathing new life into its once-silent corridors.

Walk Through History:

Imagine life behind bars through captivating guided tours. Explore the prison’s architectural details, peek into its darkest corners, and uncover fascinating secrets. Brave souls can even visit the Stranger Things filming locations, including the chilling corridors and 80s-themed cells.

Tours for Every Explorer:

Choose your adventure! Opt for a day tour (English, Russian, or Polish) for €15-20 or delve deeper with a night tour (€20) for a truly immersive experience. Book your tour via email:

Ready to Explore?

Discover Lukiškės Prison 2.0 at Lukiškių skg. 6, conveniently located near major streets in Vilnius. For more information, visit their website:

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to experience a captivating blend of history, art, and culture at Lukiškės Prison 2.0!

Additional Tips:

  • Wear comfortable shoes for exploring the vast complex.
  • Check the Lukiškės Prison 2.0 website or social media for upcoming events and exhibitions.

Enjoy your visit!