Explore Vilnius’ Wooden Heritage: Museum of Wooden City Architecture in Užupis

Attention history buffs and architecture enthusiasts! Immerse yourself in the heart of Vilnius’ eclectic Užupis district at the Museum of Wooden City Architecture. This hidden gem offers a captivating journey through the city’s unique wooden heritage.

Step inside a meticulously restored 19th-century house and embark on a time-traveling experience. Witness the dedication of the community and city officials who revived this architectural gem, preserving its charm for future generations.

Discover the world of Vilnius’ wooden architecture through interactive exhibits. Dive into historical details, construction techniques, and unique elements that define this significant cultural treasure.

Beyond exhibits: This museum transcends traditional displays; it’s a vibrant hub for cultural exchanges, community events, and engaging workshops. Engage with local artisans, learn traditional skills, and gain a deeper understanding of this precious architectural legacy.


  • Immersive experience in a restored 19th-century wooden house
  • Informative exhibits on Vilnius’ wooden architecture
  • Unique location in the vibrant district of Užupis
  • Engaging events and workshops for all ages

Ready to discover this hidden gem?

  • Address: Polocko g. 52, Vilnius (Užupis)
  • Opening hours: Wednesday – Sunday, 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
  • Website: https://mmam.lt/

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